You Have the Power to Change the World by Becoming a Master Student

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#1: Know Yourself – How Are You Wired?

Understanding yourself is an ongoing journey. Who you are at your core remains constant, but aspects such as your beliefs, knowledge, relationships, appearance, and location are subject to change. Embrace change and manage stress effectively. Learn to love yourself unconditionally, forgive freely, and invest in yourself daily. Knowing your worth means you don’t need to offer discounts – you have intrinsic value.

To identify your core values, visit Strengths Finder and answer the questions honestly. This will provide a baseline for understanding your core beliefs. Maintain an open mindset, ready to problem-solve and think critically. Be true to yourself.

Character Counts: Remember the six pillars: Respect, Trustworthiness, Citizenship, Caring, Fairness, and Honesty.

#2: Know Your End State Career Goal

Visit CA Career Cafe and GCF Learn Free to explore potential careers. Select two careers that interest you and research them thoroughly. Understand what it takes to be successful in these fields. Pursue a career for yourself, not to meet someone else’s expectations. Self-motivation is key to sustaining hard work and sacrifice.

Research necessary coursework, costs, and find a mentor – a BTDT (Been There Done That) – who can guide you. Draft your plan, research it, and get feedback from your mentor. In exchange for their guidance, offer your assistance with tasks like mowing the lawn, running errands, or other helpful activities.

Mentors can be teachers, career advisors, parents, or other experienced individuals. Build an academic toolbox of resources. Teachable moments are everywhere – from Google searches to advice from wise individuals.

#3: Keep Visions of Yourself in This Role Nearby

Write down your goals and post them where you can see them regularly. Stay ready so you won’t waste time getting ready. Plan your ongoing professional development. Improve skills such as:

  • Professional Etiquette
  • Portfolio Building
  • Leadership and Management
  • Time Management
  • Diversity and Inclusiveness
  • Effective Communication
  • Study Skills
  • Essay Writing (APA and MLA Formats)
  • Dressing for Success
  • Job Search and Interviewing
  • Organizational Skills
  • Computer Science Skills (MS Office Suite)
  • Computer Keyboarding
  • Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Finance 101 (Credit, Budgeting, Financial Aid, Scholarships)

You are the future leaders of tomorrow. Start preparing today for tomorrow’s success. Every morning is an opportunity to make today the best day of your life. Success is a journey of consistent improvements. If you are better today than yesterday, you are successful. Seize the moment and strive to become the best version of yourself. You have the power to make a difference and change the world, starting with changing yourself one day at a time. Each one, reach and teach one.